SENTENCIA – Demanda contra IDental, su aseguradora y la financiera del tratamiento

CREDIS ABOGADOS – Demanda contra IDental, su aseguradora y la financiera del tratamiento La sentencia del Juzgado de Primera Instancia de Madrid declara: – resuelto el contrato de prestación de servicios odontológicos concertado entre nuestra cliente y la demandada iMadrid Dental Proyecto Odontológico S.L; – declara la vinculación con este contrato del contrato de financiación suscrito por la actora con Banco X S.A y la resolución de este contrato de financiación; – declara la responsabilidad de X Compañía de Seguros S.A por mala praxis de su asegurada iMadrid Dental Proyecto Odontológico S.L; – condena a las demandadas X Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A, iMadrid Dental…

Sobre el delito de abandono de familia

Existen opiniones que consideran que el delito de impago de pensiones no prescribe mientras se sigan produciendo impagos porque es un delito permanente, y el art. 132.1 CP establece que en los casos de delito continuado, delito permanente, y delitos que exijan habitualidad el plazo de prescripción empieza a correr, respectivamente, desde el día en que se realizó la última infracción, desde que se eliminó la situación ilícita o desde que cesó la conducta. Así, la Consulta 1/2007 de la Fiscalía General del Estado, sobre la delimitación del período objeto de enjuiciamiento en el Delito de Impago de Pensiones del artículo 227 del Código Penal , dice: «…delito permanente de tracto sucesivo acumulativo, pues para…

Future of Work Like Remote Collaboration Tools

Learn about the latest advancements in remote collaboration technology and its impact on the future of work. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments.…

Innovations in 3D Printing

Discover how 3D printing technology is revolutionizing manufacturing processes. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got to be unfit of drawing a…

Digital Detox Unplug and Reconnect

Explore the benefits of unplugging from technology and embracing a balanced digital lifestyle. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got to be…