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SENTENCIA – Demanda contra IDental, su aseguradora y la financiera del tratamiento

CREDIS ABOGADOS – Demanda contra IDental, su aseguradora y la financiera del tratamiento La sentencia del Juzgado de Primera Instancia de Madrid declara: – resuelto el contrato de prestación de servicios odontológicos concertado entre nuestra cliente y la demandada iMadrid Dental Proyecto Odontológico S.L; – declara la vinculación con este contrato del contrato de financiación suscrito por la actora con Banco X S.A y la resolución de este contrato de financiación; – declara la responsabilidad de X Compañía de Seguros S.A por mala praxis de su asegurada iMadrid Dental Proyecto Odontológico S.L; – condena a las demandadas X Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A, iMadrid Dental…

Sobre el delito de abandono de familia

Existen opiniones que consideran que el delito de impago de pensiones no prescribe mientras se sigan produciendo impagos porque es un delito permanente, y el art. 132.1 CP establece que en los casos de delito continuado, delito permanente, y delitos que exijan habitualidad el plazo de prescripción empieza a correr, respectivamente, desde el día en que se realizó la última infracción, desde que se eliminó la situación ilícita o desde que cesó la conducta. Así, la Consulta 1/2007 de la Fiscalía General del Estado, sobre la delimitación del período objeto de enjuiciamiento en el Delito de Impago de Pensiones del artículo 227 del Código Penal , dice: «…delito permanente de tracto sucesivo acumulativo, pues para…

Breve consideración sobre la prescripción de los efectos económicos de la cláusula de gastos

JUZGADO DE 1ª INSTANCIA E INSTRUCCIÓN Nº 08 DE VALDEMORO – SENTENCIA DE FECHA 19/04/2024 El pleno de la Sala Primera del Tribunal Supremo, tras la deliberación del recurso de casación 1799/2020, mediante auto de 22 de julio de 2021, planteó cuestión prejudicial ante el TJUE sobre el comienzo del plazo de prescripción de la acción de restitución de las cantidades pagadas por el consumidor comoconsecuencia de la declaración de nulidad de una cláusula sobre gastos hipotecarios. La STJUE, de 10 de junio de 2021 (BNP Paribas Personal Finance, C-776/19 a C-782/19, EU:C:2021:470, apartado 39 y jurisprudencia citada) ya había declarado que los artículos 6, apartado…

¿Qué es una sentencia de conformidad?

El artículo 787.1º de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal determina que antes de iniciarse la práctica de la prueba, la defensa, con la conformidad del acusado presente, podrá pedir al Juez o Tribunal que proceda a dictarse sentencia de conformidad con el escrito de acusación que contenga pena de mayor gravedad, o con el que se presentare en ese acto, que no podrá referirse a hecho distinto, ni contener calificación más grave que la del escrito de acusación anterior. Si la pena no excediere de seis años de prisión, el Juez o Tribunal dictará sentencia de conformidad con la manifestada por la defensa, siempre que concurran…

La reparación del daño como circunstancia atenuante

El artículo 21.5º del Código Penal establece la reparación del daño como una atenuante que busca proteger a la víctima y disminuir los efectos del delito mediante actos reparadores realizados por el acusado, favoreciendo la justicia restaurativa. La atenuación se justifica cuando estos actos de reparación demuestran una menor malicia del autor, aunque no requieren ser totales, y se deben realizar antes del juicio oral. El Tribunal Supremo excluye ciertos actos que no reflejan una reparación genuina del acusado.

Future of Work Like Remote Collaboration Tools

Learn about the latest advancements in remote collaboration technology and its impact on the future of work. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments.…

Innovations in 3D Printing

Discover how 3D printing technology is revolutionizing manufacturing processes. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got to be unfit of drawing a…

Digital Detox Unplug and Reconnect

Explore the benefits of unplugging from technology and embracing a balanced digital lifestyle. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got to be…

Crafting Engaging Audio Experiences

Dive into the world of podcasting and its impact on modern storytelling. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got to be unfit…

Advancements in Digital Camera

Explore the latest technological breakthroughs in solar energy and its impact on renewable energy. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got to…

Advanced progress in the workplace

Companies integrate mindfulness practices to enhance employee well-being and productivity. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got to be unfit of drawing…

Navigating the Landscape of Cryptocurrency Trends

Stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the cryptocurrency sphere. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got to be unfit…

Exploring Deep Sea Exploration

Scientists uncover mysteries in the depths of the ocean, from deep-sea creatures to unexplored ecosystems. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got…

Plant Based Alternatives Reshaping Food

Beyond Meat and plant-based options are changing the food industry landscape. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got to be unfit of…

Space tourism soars into the forefront of exploration

Delve into the latest developments and the future of commercial space travel. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got to be unfit…

Fashion Forward: Sustainable Fashion Brands

Discover eco-friendly fashion brands committed to reducing environmental impact. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got to be unfit of drawing a…

AI in Healthcare: Game-Changer or Ethical Dilemma?

Experts discuss the benefits and pitfalls of AI integration in medical practices. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got to be unfit…

VR Trends Reshaping Entertainment

Explore how VR technology is transforming entertainment with immersive gaming experiences and virtual concerts. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments. I got to…

Tech Giants Unite for Sustainability

Major tech companies collaborate on a historic initiative for eco-friendly policies, setting a precedent for corporate responsibility. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments.…

Sleep Study Unveils New Insights

In a recent study, researchers challenge beliefs about sleep duration and health, opening avenues for personalized prescriptions. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I appreciate with my aggregate heart. I am so playful, my costly companion, so ingested inside the astonishing sense of immaterial quiet nearness, that I neglect my blessings. I am alone, and feel the charm of nearness in this spot, which was made for the euphoria of souls like mine. I am so cheerful, my expensive companion, so held inside the astonishing sense of insignificant quiet nearness, that I ignore my endowments.…